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Developmental Assessment

Developmental delay refers to the functional aspects of a child's development in two or more domains (gross/ fine motor, speech/language, cognition, social/personal, and activities of daily living) are significantly delayed (over 2 SDs) compared to the expected level for age (more than 25%) from the expected rate). Attention should be paid to the discrepancy of 1.5 to 2 SDs from norms.


Borderline developmental delay refers to scores of  1.5 tp 2 SDs  below the mean on norm-referenced age-appropriate developmental tests in two or more developmental domains.

Milestone of Young children

Some assessments are developed to assess the cognitive development of young children or an individual without verbal ability. To understand if a child has delayed development, it is important to know their developmental milestones. If a child has reached a certain age but fails to perform some tasks, further assessment can be considered.


Screening and Assessment for Developmental Disorders in Hong Kong

Early interventions have been found to be effective to help those children with global developmental delay. The earlier (before six) they receive services, the better outcome could be observed. Some assessment tools can be used to help with identification of development delayed children.

Diagnostic Test
  • Hong Kong Comprehensive Assessment Scales for Preschool Children (CAS-P)

  • Merrill-Palmer-Revised - Cognitive batteries

  • Griffiths III

Screening Test
  • ​ASQ-3

  • Bayley-4

Screening and Assessment for Adaptive Functioning in Hong Kong

Adaptive behaviours tell how well a person meets community standards of personal independence and social responsibility, in comparison to others of similar age and sociocultural background. Adaptive functioning is adopted to categorize the level of intellectual disability in DSM-5.

Assessment of adaptive functioning can allow professionals to give clinical evaluation by using individualised, culturally appropriate and psychometrically sound measures. Standardized measures are used with those who are familiar with the children, such as parents and teachers. The assessment can also be used as additional sources of information.

Diagnostic Test
  • Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales Third Ed, VABS-3

Screening Test
  • Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System, Third Ed, ABAS-3

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